John assures me there will soon be video to document our progress, but in the meantime, I’ll try to be as descriptive as possible to help fill the month-long update void. John and David have been logging very long and late Saturdays these days, with only the occasional break for Archie Moore wings. Really, the progress that they’ve made this past month has been considerable. If I had pictures or videos to post here, you’d be impressed…take my word for it.
I’ve been dreading the sanding and finishing of the floors since the day “I” moved all the furniture in. I understood why we were waiting (it just wouldn’t make sense to do the floors so early on when we knew we had so many potentially destructive projects ahead of us), but nonetheless, I envisioned towers of furniture, mounds of sawdust, and nausea-inducing fumes. Mainly, though, I was concerned about my own inability to maintain a sunny outlook in the face of clutter. Seriously, I don’t handle it well...
Actually, though, evidence suggests that perhaps I’ve matured a bit. Sure it was tough when I came home from grocery shopping last Sunday to find myself locked out and/or forbidden to walk in any room other than the kitchen…but luckily I had my US Weekly and a positive attitude to help bide my time while I waited for John to come home from the gym. Really, though, the anticipated sawdust was a non-issue, and even the fumes weren’t that bad. That said, John and David worked until almost midnight that night…they were two determined Capeces! And while they each insisted on pointing out any flaws that remained in the pretty damaged floors, I was quite happy in my ignorance. As far as I’m concerned, it looks shiny and warm and (did I mention?) shiny!
Not satisfied to have mastered the giant sander, this past weekend, the Capece Brothers revisited their trusty friend, the tile saw. This is because the long-neglected mud room (or perhaps pantry???) is getting a makeover. The details are still up in the air…including whether it will be a mud room or a pantry, but whichever route we go down, we know the space will include hooks, shelves and tile. It will be nice to have an attractive looking, easily-accessible storage area for all the seltzer water, match books and giant rolls of BJs tin foil that sadly don’t yet have a home.
Beyond all of this renovation progress, there has also been significant moving in progress. With the floors done, John has started moving the last of his things from his condo, and I was able to (yeah!!!) unpack my books. But you know, regardless of how many books we have, TV still rules in this household. John’s big screen made the trek to Smith Ave just in time for the Super Bowl (the Steelers won, right???). The TV has been joined in the family room by John’s couch and love seat which has been tried out in every possible configuration, only to have us settle on the very first set-up we tried.
So, if you’re lamenting the lack of videos and pictures, really, plan on coming by…you’ll really be floored.