We continue to be busily working away...John and David on fixing up John’s condo to lure in prospective tenants; and me, figuring out just where on our deck is the best place to get a little sun, read a book and sip on a nice cold drink. Oh yeah, John has also been busy planting a garden, complete with squash, peas and pumpkins, and setting up a pretty “low-rent” horseshoe pit. I’ve been diligently testing if it’s more efficient to refresh my cool drink by going from the deck to the kitchen via the family room or the mud room. (I may be lazy, but you can’t say I’m not self-aware.)
These last couple of weekends have been so gorgeous and we’re really enjoying all the sunlight the house gets. Something tells me that come July and August, we may be cursing that very same sunlight, but for the time being, it’s simply lovely. We’ve been opening up the skylights in the kitchen and living room and breathing in the fresh New Haven air. Mmmmm. We also got a patio set a few weekends ago and broke it in on Saturday with an impromptu barbecue with David, Pam and Matt. Hastas were planted (thank you, Pam!), burgers eaten and horseshoes thrown (and even a few ringers).
Meanwhile, John is *this close* to being done with the condo fix-ups. This has been no small project and the place looks better than I’ve ever seen it, and not unlike a Tiffany box. Next up for the house: a new deck, a new stoop, and come Fall…pumpkins!