Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Our big milestone has been reached...after 8 weeks of working on our Home Sweet Home, John and I hosted Thanksgiving dinner for 14. And by all accounts, the house made a very positive impression. With furniture now in the living room (at least temporarily until the floors are tackled), our new majestic fireplace glowing, an immaculate bathroom, and an extensive (yet still intimate, I hope) Thanksgiving table, for the first time, 381 Smith Ave. felt like a home, not just a project. Mostly, though, I was just delighted to have a house full of people...people who really had very little idea what to expect when they walked through our doors, but they did it eagerly nonetheless. There were, of course, a few little hiccups...the new dishwasher was less than cooperative, and despite my "dry run" the day before, it turns out I just couldn't get everything to fit in the oven simultaneously. Oh yeah, and I accidentally served my father nuts and celery (though as far as I've heard, no Epi-pen was necessary). But why focus on the hiccups? It was a really wonderful and gratifying let's get back to work! I need a bedroom! =)


Anonymous said...

You've come a long way, Baby!

Anonymous said...

It warms my heart to know that this celebration of family was the inspiration that so rapidly turned "this old house" into a beautiful and cozy home.
Congrats and gratitude to all for the time and effort put into this project.

Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful day at 381 Smith Ave. I was proud and I know your Grandma Guastello was beaming from the other side, especially that her china and silverware were being used. ( Actually, since I'm a believer in the afterlife, I'm sure that she and all our loved ones were present. Grandpa Ocif was probably swearing, "Why New Haven?" Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

What China was used?