This entry is definitely begging for a picture…or better yet a video documenting the progress, but in the interim, let me just say that the master bedroom in this house has been utterly transformed. For those who didn’t see the original state of the house, this may be difficult to follow, but try to keep up. One BIG room (which clearly at one point had been two rooms, one having been added on to the original frame of the house) was broken up back into two rooms and a hallway. Ultimately, the newly created hallway will extend all the way (funny… “all the way” is a VERY relative term) to the family room, past another bedroom, which will be John’s office. So, for now, half the hallway is in place, with a completely finished, masterful master bedroom, with a big ol’ closet, beautiful “window treatments,” and freshly installed carpet. That’s right...we have our first finished floor! We moved John’s king-size bed in over the weekend, a little unsure of how everything would fit, but I tell you, it’s the nicest bedroom I’ve ever had. I love it, I love it, I love it!!! (she exclaimed in her best Molly Shannon impression) I also love that Amy is flying in tonight for Christmas and we’ve got her guest room all ready for her. Despite some real concern about the bed fitting in what can only be considered a “size-challenged” room, we figured it out, and now, not only does the room have a bed, night stand, rug and closet, it will even have a dresser. So, from “size-challenged” to downright cozy, I say.
I don't even have a dresser in my own home! It will feel like a palace.
Sure, they have knocked down walls, gutted a kitchen and bathroom, recongfigured the entire house, BUT...you really all should see those window treatments!
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